Tag Archives: software engineering

CS3219 Module Review

CS3219 Module Review 16/17 Sem 1

CS3219 Module Review – Software Engineering Principles and Patterns


  • Continuation of topics in CS2103 (architecture, principles and patterns) in more depth, plus a few other topics in software engineering.
  • One medium-scaled project in groups of 4 (consisting 2 pairs), 2-3 small scaled project in pairs (of 2 people). You can choose pairing and grouping.
  • No midterm. Final exam is close book, with 1 A4-sized double-sided help sheet allowed.

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A*genda in Angular 2

Developing A*genda in Angular 2

For the final project of CS3216, our team decided to develop a web app A*genda that helps event organizers to build web-based agenda for their events.

A*genda - screenshot of PyCon SG 2016 agenda for event participants

A*genda – screenshot of PyCon SG 2016 public agenda, used by event participants

A*genda - screenshot of agenda builder interface, used by event organizers to create event agenda

A*genda – screenshot of agenda builder interface, used by event organizers to create event agenda

This was an unfortunate timing (October 2016) for our team since Angular 2 just came out of beta, and Angular 1 is going to be the “legacy” framework soon. As a team that has no experience with other frameworks like React.js or vue.js, we were stuck between Angular 1 and Angular 2, and the final decision was latter. Continue reading